As we step into 2025, it’s the perfect time to align your personal growth and spiritual journey with the energies of your Tarot Year Card. Your Tarot Year Card is calculated using your birthdate and the current year, providing a personalised theme for the year ahead. An interesting exercise, as laid out in Tarot for Your Self by Mary K. Greer, is to calculate all your Tarot Year cards from birth until today. This allows for the detection of cycles and the major themes that have been repeating throughout our lives
But let’s get back to the Tarot Year Card for 2025. This card will act as a guide, offering insight into your challenges, opportunities, and lessons in the year ahead. Incidentally, I have also found that my Year Card indicates how my energy will flow in the year ahead. For instance, in my 2024 Hanged Man Year, I have been more inclined to seek out moments of stillness and contemplation.
How to Calculate Your Tarot Year Card
If you haven’t already calculated your 2025 Tarot Year Card, here’s a quick formula:

With your card in hand, here’s how to navigate 2025 month by month:
January: Setting Intentions
The start of the year is ideal for reflecting on the energy of your Year Card. Journal about how its themes resonate with your life. Set clear intentions that align with the card’s lessons and strengths. For example, if your card is The Star, focus on hope and healing. Begin thinking about ways to bring those qualities into your life. Ask your Higher Self or whatever source of wisdom you connect with to show you how. Pay attention to signs and synchronicities around these themes and the card itself.
February: Building Foundations
February invites you to create a solid foundation for growth. To begin with, examine how the themes of your Year Card show up in your everyday life. Next, consider whether there are practical steps you can take to embody its energy more fully. For instance, The Emperor might prompt you to establish better boundaries or systems. Additionally, reflect on what new habit you can implement to lean more deeply into The Emperor’s energy.
March: Embracing Change
March often brings the first whispers of transformation. Consequently, it is an ideal time to revisit your intentions for the New Year and make adjustments as needed. Moreover, many people choose to use the Spring Equinox for a fresh start, often avoiding making New Year’s resolutions for this very reason. Therefore, be adaptable as you reassess your 2025 Tarot Year Card, particularly from the perspective of what you wish to grow in the year ahead.
April: Spring Awakening
With the arrival of spring, your Year Card’s energy may feel more embodied and vibrant. This is a time to act on insights gained earlier in the year. If your card is The Chariot, consider how you can take bold steps toward your goals. With The Hermit, this might look more like quietly committing to a writing project and sitting down to do your 1000 words per day.
May: Mid-Year Reflection
The midway point of spring is perfect for reflection. Look back at your progress. Assess what’s working and what isn’t. For instance, in a Justice year, this is the perfect time to rebalance your energy to ensure greater harmony in the summer months.
June: Community Connections
June’s warmth invites connection. Explore how your Year Card promotes interaction with others in your life. For instance, The Lovers may highlight relationship dynamics, while The Star could inspire collaboration on humanitarian projects.
July: Nurturing Growth
At this peak of summer, nurture what you’ve planted. Consider how the themes of your card are bearing fruit. Are you getting close to being able to enjoy an early harvest? Are there projects that need some additional care and attention to come to fruition?
August: Facing Challenges
Use your Year Card as a compass to navigate any trials and challenges. For instance, consider what lesson your Tarot Year Card brings about overcoming challenges. Additionally, reflect on where you have already triumphed over obstacles this year. Finally, use these insights to guide your actions and decisions moving forward.
September: Harvesting Wisdom
As the year begins to wind down, September offers a chance to reap the rewards of your efforts. Reflect on the lessons your Year Card has brought so far. Celebrate milestones and completions. What unexpected wisdom has your Tarot Year Card brought you at this stage of the journey?
October: Deepening Awareness
The autumn season encourages deeper self-awareness. Dive into shadow work or explore hidden aspects of your Year Card with the three Shadow Work Exercises below:
1. Reflection on Hidden Motivations
Purpose: Uncover and address hidden fears or limiting beliefs that are influencing your current path.
- Question: “What fears or beliefs are keeping me from fully embodying the lessons of my year card?”
- Spread:
- Position 1: What am I avoiding in my shadow?
- Position 2: How is this avoidance affecting my growth?
- Position 3: What action will help me integrate this aspect of my shadow?
- Journal Prompt: Reflect on the resistance you feel toward the advice in the third card. Where does that resistance stem from?
2. The Masks We Wear
Purpose: Explore how you project your shadow onto others and take accountability.
- Question: “How am I expressing the shadow of my year card in my relationships?”
- Exercise:
- Pull a clarifying card to reveal where and how this projection appears in your life.
- Write a list of three people who seem to embody qualities you dislike (this may reflect your shadow).
- Journal Prompt: Explore what the behaviour of these people mirrors back to you. What qualities of your year card’s shadow might you be disowning?
3. The Gift of the Shadow
Purpose: Recognise the hidden gifts within the challenges of your shadow work
- Spread:
- Position 1: What lesson is the shadow of my year card teaching me this month?
- Position 2: What strength is waiting to emerge once I learn this lesson?
- Position 3: How can I take the first step toward embracing this strength?
- Meditation: After pulling the cards, meditate on their imagery. Imagine stepping into the scene depicted in the second card and claiming its energy as your own.
- Journal Prompt: Reflect on how this hidden strength could help you navigate October’s challenges with greater ease.
November: Preparing for Transition
As the year’s end approaches, November is a time for preparing for new beginnings. Reflect on how you’ve grown through the lens of your Year Card.
December: Integration and Gratitude
Close the year by integrating the lessons of your Year Card. You may wish to use the Tarot Year Card Review Spread for this purpose. Express gratitude for the journey and set your sights on the next chapter. With The Sun as your Year Card, you wish to throw a party. A 2025 High Priestess Year, on the other hand, invites quiet reflection.
Tips for Working with Your Tarot Year Card
- Monthly Check-Ins: Schedule time each month to revisit your Year Card and journal about how its energy is manifesting.
- Meditation: Meditate weekly with your Year Card to deepen your connection to its wisdom.
- Spread Readings: Pull a card each month to see how it interacts with your Year Card, offering additional guidance.
- Creative Practices: Use art, music, or movement to embody the essence of your card.
By aligning your actions with the guidance of your 2025 Tarot Year Card, you can navigate the year with intention and clarity. For insights into the Universal 9 Year and how it corresponds with The Hermit, CLICK HERE!