The first Full Moon of 2025 graces the skies on 13th January at 23° 59 minutes of Cancer, only two days after the 11/1 portal. This emotionally charged lunation serves as a cosmic checkpoint, bringing the past into focus while offering an opportunity for healing and transformation.
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Astrologically, this Full Moon is pivotal, echoing themes from the Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 22° 45 minutes of Capricorn on 12th January 2020 (my birthday!). This is the conjunction that marked the onset of the pandemic and kick-started the unravelling of many societal power dynamics. Likewise, this Full Moon revisits themes of power, security, and authenticity for the collective and individuals alike.
In other words, and as Pam Gregory points out in the linked video below, this is a great time to check in with ourselves and see how far we have come in terms of our personal development in the past five years. So put the kettle on and pull out your journal. Oh, and feel free to use the Tarot spread below as part of this check-in!
I think it’s interesting that this karmic-feeling check-in takes place on the 13th. In Numerology, the number 13 is a karmic number that indicates the need to clear a debt of laziness. It signifies that through perseverance and a willingness to learn from past mistakes, we can overcome our karmic debt and achieve great things.
It emphasises the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and using our abilities for the greater good. If we so decide, this lunation could be a turning point in terms of working together to lay new foundations of peace, knowing that we all have important roles to play.
Key Collective Impacts
- Power Dynamics: Mars in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius, potentially triggering power struggles. Themes of freedom, human rights, and equality take centre stage.
- Societal Transformations: Political and economic shifts may accelerate as entrenched structures evolve.
- Revelations: Hidden truths emerge, leading to a reassessment of collective beliefs and values.
- Weather Extremes: Neptune conjunct the North Node in Pisces warns of flooding and other water-related phenomena.
- Astrogeological Focus: Key regions affected include Washington D.C., South America, Indonesia, Eastern Africa, Central Australia, and Tokyo.
- Emotional Awareness: With five planets in Water Signs, heightened sensitivity and a need for emotional security prevail.
- Healing the “I Am-ness”: Sun and Moon square Chiron in Aries, encouraging healing of self-worth wounds.
- Authenticity: Uranus supports individuality through trines and sextiles to the luminaries.
- Spiritual Action: Mars’ trine to Neptune promotes compassion and higher purpose.
- Empowerment: Pluto’s influence highlights opportunities to confront fears and embrace transformation.
Zodiac Predictions
Focus on your home life and family dynamics. Balance personal and professional priorities, and consider meditation to navigate heightened emotions.
Unexpected news may arise in your communication zone. Lean on your network for support and clarity.
Emphasis falls on finances and self-worth. Challenges may push you to rethink your career goals and find stability.
This lunation hits close to home. Emotional release and boundary setting are essential. Travel and new learning opportunities provide solace.
Hidden emotions surface, encouraging self-reflection. Explore spirituality to find inner peace.
Friendship dynamics and aspirations take centre stage. Confide in a trusted partner to navigate changes.
Work-life balance comes under scrutiny. Prioritise self-care to handle professional pressures.
Clashes in beliefs may arise. Creative pursuits and loved ones help restore balance.
Financial matters demand attention. Strategic actions and family connections provide grounding.
Relationships may reveal toxicity. Make decisions that honour your well-being.
Daily routines and self-worth require focus. Invest in relaxation and healthy habits.
Creativity and romance are activated. Self-compassion and boundaries are key to emotional stability.
Emotional Balance Tarot Spread
This simple five-card spread can help you align with the Full Moon’s energies:

- What emotional patterns need releasing?
- Where can I cultivate inner peace?
- How can I heal wounds around self-worth?
- What is my higher purpose or call to action?
- What step will bring emotional balance?
Pay particular attention if The Chariot shows up since this is the Tarot Major Arcana card corresponding with Cancer.

Video Sources
For further insights, watch these expert interpretations:
- Pam Gregory: Explores the global and personal implications of this Full Moon.
- Veerle Debruyne: Highlights emotional themes and astrological nuances.
- Donna Stellhorn: Offers practical advice and sign-by-sign guidance.
The Full Moon in Cancer offers a profound opportunity for emotional cleansing and empowerment. By reflecting on its lessons, you can navigate its intensity and emerge more aligned with your authentic self.