How to Read the Runes – A Practical Guide for Beginners

Learn how to read the runes. This practical guide for beginners includes meanings, layouts and correspondences for each Elder Futhark rune.
learn the elder futhark runes a guide for beginners

Divination using the Elder Futhark runes is an ancient Norse practice that can offer deep insight and guidance. I’m a native Swede and I have been working with the runes for 20+ years. In today’s post, I guide the absolute beginner through the process of how to read the runes. You will learn the basics about choosing (or making) and casting the runes.

CLICK HERE to Jump to the Elder Futhark Rune Meanings

Go to the Rune Spreads

You will also be given a brief overview of each rune’s meaning and some of the layouts you can use to cast the runes. In addition to this basic information, I have added some of my Tarot and angelic rune correspondences. These may be helpful if you are already working with the Tarot or the angelic realm, or if you are curious about how to combine rune reading with Tarot and angels.

Choosing a Set of Runes

runes made from riverbank stones, painted with a white posca pen

The first step to working with the runes is obviously to either buy or create your own set of runes. Making your runes is also an excellent way of learning the runes since you will have plenty of time to meditate on the runes while crafting them. A low-cost and simple way of making your own rune set is to paint stones like the ones I found on the river bank where I live (see image above). The white paint was applied with a white Posca pen–Quick, easy and surprisingly durable.

However, you do not have to make your runes for your readings to be powerful and insightful. What matters is your connection with the runes. Remember to ask first and then give thanks/leave an offering if you collect rune-making materials from Mother Nature.

You can buy runes in many different materials, from plastic or wood to crystal, or even in the form of a deck of cards. Trust your inner guidance on what will work best for you. There is no need to buy an expensive set of runes. Crafting your rune set on pieces of cardboard may be more powerful because of the personal connection you forge with the runes while crafting them.

Strengthening Your Connection with the Runes

Once you have decided on the style of runes you would like to work with and have brought them home with you (or had them delivered), you can strengthen your connection with them by cleansing them and placing them on your altar overnight. Alternatively, you may wish to charge your runes in the sun and or moonlight before working with them.

You may also wish to pray over the runes, invoking Odin or Freyja, or perhaps your patron deity from another pantheon. It is not necessary to work with the Norse pantheon to use the runes. However, having a basic understanding of the history and mythology surrounding the runes is vital for connecting fully with their energy so please do your research (see list of recommended reading at the bottom of the post).

To gradually strengthen your connection with the runes, I also recommend meditating with them daily by pulling a rune for the day ahead and entering what you learn in a dedicated rune journal or grimoire.

Casting the runes

how to cast the runes

Creating Sacred Space

Before casting runes:

  1. Choose a quiet, comfortable area.
  2. Cleanse the space with sage or incense.
  3. Light a candle to focus your intentions.
  4. Lay out a cloth for casting.
  5. Centre yourself with deep breaths.

Casting Methods

  1. Draw Method: Mix runes in a bag and draw the desired number.
  2. Cast Method: Gently toss runes onto your cloth and interpret those that landed face up.
  3. Nordic Method: Cast runes and interpret those landing within a pre-drawn circle.

The Elder Futhark Runes

The Elder Futhark is the oldest known complete rune alphabet and these runes first appeared around the 1st century CE. This rune alphabet was gradually overtaken by the Younger Futhark in 8th-century Scandinavia. The Younger Futhark has only 16 letters as opposed to the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark and a whopping 33 in the more modern Anglo-Saxon Futhork. The word Futhark is derived from the first six runes of the first Aett (rune row of eight runes): ᚠᚢᚦᚨᚱᚲ

Each of the 24 Elder Futhark runes falls into one of three aettir (ON plural of ‘aett’). Aettir means groups of eight. Each Aett is ruled by a deity that provides the overarching theme for that set of runes.

Rune Meanings and Correspondences

Click on each rune below for more in-depth rune meanings, including reversals.

Freyja’s Aett

Freyja’s Aett presents things that happen in the physical world, including creation, war, prosperity, virility, and love.

Fehu (ᚠ): Wealth, abundance, success, prosperity, fortune
Keywords: Financial gain, circulation of power, fertility
Deity: Freyr
Tarot Card: The Empress
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Ariel

Uruz (ᚢ): Strength, willpower, determination, health, vitality
Keywords: Primal force, untamed potential, courage
Deity: Audhumla (primordial cow)
Tarot Card: Strength
Angelic Correspondence: Queen of Angels

Thurisaz (ᚦ): Conflict, protection, reactive force, catharsis
Keywords: Thor’s hammer, defence, regeneration
Deity: Thor
Tarot Card: The Tower
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Samael

Ansuz (ᚨ): Communication, wisdom, inspiration, insight
Keywords: Divine messages, ancestral knowledge, eloquence
Deity: Odin
Tarot Card: The Magician
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Raphael

Raidho (ᚱ): Journey, movement, rhythm, alignment
Keywords: Personal evolution, right action, wheel of life
Deity: Forseti
Tarot Card: The Chariot
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Metatron

Kenaz (ᚲ): Illumination, creativity, knowledge, transformation
Keywords: Revelation, artistic inspiration, technical skill
Deity: Heimdall
Tarot Card: Temperance
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Raziel

Gebo (ᚷ): Gift, partnership, exchange, balance
Keywords: Generosity, sacred union, reciprocity
Deity: Odin and Frigg
Tarot Card: The Lovers
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Anael

Wunjo (ᚹ): Joy, harmony, fellowship, well-being
Keywords: Bliss, optimism, wish fulfilment
Deity: Balder
Tarot Card: The Star
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Jophiel

Heimdall’s Aett

Heimdall’s Aett represents change, the underworld, and the unconscious mind. It’s associated with beginnings and endings, chaos, destruction, and seasons.

Hagalaz (ᚺ): Disruption, elemental force, testing, renewal
Keywords: Radical change, hail, destruction before creation
Deity: Mordgud
Tarot Card: 10 of Swords
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Samael

Nauthiz (ᚾ): Need, constraint, endurance, survival
Keywords: Necessity, resistance, innovation under pressure
Deity: Skuld
Tarot Card: The Hermit
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Cassiel

Isa (ᛁ): Stillness, introspection, clarity, focus
Keywords: Ice, stasis, psychological blocks
Deity: Skadi
Tarot Card: The Hanged Man
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Gabriel

Jera (ᛃ): Harvest, cyclical progress, patience, reward
Keywords: Year, fruition, natural law
Deity: Freyr and Freyja
Tarot Card: The Wheel of Fortune
Angelic Correspondence: Tourquaret

Eihwaz (ᛇ): Stability, endurance, defence, reliability
Keywords: Yew tree, initiation, confronting fears
Deity: Hel
Tarot Card: Death
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Azrael

Perthro (ᛈ): Mystery, fate, hidden knowledge, occult
Keywords: Divination, gambling, the unknown
Deity: The Norns
Tarot Card: The High Priestess
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Raziel

Algiz (ᛉ): Protection, higher self, divine connection
Keywords: Shielding, opportunity, awakening
Deity: Valkyries
Tarot Card: The Hierophant
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Michael

Sowilo (ᛊ): Success, goals, honour, vitality
Keywords: Sun, enlightenment, guidance
Deity: Sol
Tarot Card: The Sun
Angelic Correspondence: Archangels Raphael and Michael

Tyr’s Aett

Tyr’s Aett connects to spirituality, emotions, and how we interact with the world.

Tiwaz (ᛏ): Justice, leadership, authority, honour
Keywords: Warrior spirit, courage, victory
Deity: Tyr
Tarot Card: Justice, The Emperor
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Raguel

Berkana (aka Berkano) (ᛒ): Growth, fertility, new beginnings, nurturing
Keywords: Birch tree, mother energy, healing
Deity: Frigg
Tarot Card: Queen of Pentacles
Angelic Correspondence: Archangels Anael, Gabriel and Ariel

Ehwaz (ᛖ): Movement, progress, teamwork, trust
Keywords: Horse, loyalty, transitions
Deity: Freyr
Tarot Card: Knight of Cups
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Raphael

Mannaz (ᛗ): Self, humanity, social order, intelligence
Keywords: Divine structure, cooperation, mortality
Deity: Heimdall
Tarot Card: The World
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Zadkiel

Laguz (ᛚ): Flow, intuition, emotions, unconscious mind
Keywords: Water, psychic abilities, dreams
Deity: Njord, Freyja
Tarot Card: The Moon
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Gabriel, Manakel

Ingwaz (aka Inguz) (ᛜ): Fertility, potential, completion, common sense
Keywords: Gestation, internal growth, male fertility
Deity: Ing/Freyr
Tarot Card: Ace of Pentacles
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Sandalphon

Dagaz (ᛞ): Breakthrough, awareness, clarity, hope
Keywords: Day, paradigm shift, balance
Deity: Loki
Tarot Card: Judgement
Angelic Correspondence: Lucifer

Othala (ᛟ): Inheritance, ancestry, estate, tradition
Keywords: Legacy, heritage, land, family
Deity: Frigg
Tarot Card: 10 of Pentacles
Angelic Correspondence: Archangel Uriel

Rune Reading Layouts

When you first start casting the runes for readings, I recommend sticking to the three-rune spread. It is easy to become overwhelmed otherwise. Gradually introduce spreads with more runes before progressing to casting the runes without a layout. That way, you get used to seeing how the runes relate to each other and learn to discern patterns.

1. Three-Rune Spread

Draw three runes and lay them in a horizontal line, from left to right. This spread is sometimes known as the Norn layout. Interpret as:

  1. Past influence (Urd)
  2. Present situation (Verdandi)
  3. Future outcome (Skuld)

2. Five-Rune Cross

Draw five runes and arrange them in a cross shape:

  3 2 4
  1. Present situation
  2. Challenge or obstacle
  3. Past influence
  4. Future influence
  5. Potential outcome

3. Nine-Rune Grid

Draw nine runes and arrange them in a 3×3 grid:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future
  4. Conscious thoughts
  5. The core of the situation
  6. Unconscious influences
  7. Advice
  8. External influences
  9. Hopes or fears

4. Seven-Rune Horseshoe

Draw seven runes and arrange them in a horseshoe shape:

   3   5
 2       6 
1         7
  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future influences
  4. Obstacles
  5. External influences
  6. Advice
  7. Outcome

5. Odin’s Nine

Draw nine runes and arrange them in three vertical columns:

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

Left column (1-3): Past
Middle column (4-6): Present
Right column (7-9): Future

Within each column, interpret top to bottom as:

  • Mental aspects
  • Emotional aspects
  • Physical aspects

Interpreting Your Reading

When interpreting your rune cast:

  1. Consider the overall pattern and relationships between runes.
  2. Trust your intuition and personal associations with each symbol.
  3. Reflect on how the runes relate to your initial question or intention.
  4. Keep a journal of your readings so that you can revisit them and learn more.

Remember, rune divination is a tool for self-reflection and guidance, not an absolute prediction of the future. You are the weaver of your own Wyrd, especially once you become aware of the patterns in the web created by your subconscious thoughts.

With regular practice and familiarising yourself with the Elder Futhark rune meanings, you can learn how to read the runes for yourself and others in as little as a few weeks.

Recommended Reading

Recommended reading list*** for a beginner rune reader to help you connect with the myth and lore surrounding the runes:

  1. The Poetic Edda, translated by Jackson Crawford
    • A collection of Old Norse mythological and heroic poems, essential for understanding Norse mythology. (I also highly recommend checking out Dr. Crawford’s YouTube channel.)
  2. The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson
    • A manual of Norse mythology written in prose form, providing context for many myths and legends.
  3. Taking Up the Runes: A Complete Guide by Diana L. Paxson
    • A comprehensive approach to learning runes, balancing scholarly knowledge with spiritual practice.
  4. Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
    • A modern retelling of Norse myths, providing an accessible introduction to the stories and characters.
  5. The Viking Spirit: An Introduction to Norse Mythology and Religion by Daniel McCoy
    • Offers a comprehensive overview of Norse mythology and its cultural context.
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