How to Do Chakra Healing with the Tarot and Essential Oils

chakra healing with tarot and essential oils

The chakras, our body’s energetic centres, hold the profound wisdom of our etheric body and provide ample opportunities for healing and balancing our energy. When paired with Tarot and the therapeutic properties of essential oils, working with these energies becomes a powerful practice of self-discovery, alignment, and healing.

The best part? You don’t need a formal Reiki attunement to begin your journey with chakra energies. Your intention has the power to attune you directly.

Chakra Healing and Tarot: A Perfect Synergy

In a previous post on Angelorum Tarot where I wrote about chakra and Tarot correspondences, I explored how each chakra aligns with specific Tarot cards, helping us deepen our understanding of both systems. For example:

  • The Root Chakra relates to grounding energies, such as The Emperor or The Devil, encouraging stability and overcoming fear.
  • The Heart Chakra resonates with cards like The Lovers or Temperance, opening us to love, harmony, compassion, and connection.

The Tarot offers a visual and symbolic gateway to understanding these energies, making it easier to identify imbalances and work towards harmony.

Essential Oils to Enhance Your Practice

Essential oils complement this work beautifully, acting as vibrational allies to balance the chakras and create a sensory connection to the healing process.

Don’t forget to journal your findings if you try any of the suggested exercises below. I also recommend ending each chakra healing session by lying down with the card over the relevant chakra, using the card as a portal for healing energy to flow. Feel free to combine this with healing music or the buzzing sound of bees for maximum effect.

Here are some examples of how you can pair essential oils with chakra-focused Tarot readings and meditations:

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Tarot Focus: The Emperor, The World

Essential Oils: Cedarwood, Vetiver, Patchouli

Practice: Before shuffling your Tarot deck, anoint your wrists with vetiver oil to ground yourself. Pull a card to explore what might be destabilising your foundation. Place the card next to The Emperor or The Devil for deeper insights into the dynamics.

Using the buzzing sound of bees is especially beneficial for the root chakra and trauma healing. Here is my favourite YouTube video to use for this.

Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)

Tarot Focus: The High Priestess, The Empress

Essential Oils: Ylang-ylang, Sweet Orange, Coriander

Practice: Diffuse sweet orange oil as you meditate with The High Priestess, reflecting on your emotional flow and creative expression. Or use Ylang-Ylang while meditating with The Empress, to understand how to bring more sweetness and connection to your life. Make intuitive card pulls for further insights.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Tarot Focus: The Chariot, The Sun

Essential Oils: Lemon, Bergamot, Ginger, Cinnamon

Practice: Diffuse Cinnamon essential oil, focusing on The Sun. Journal about the ways you can reclaim your power or self-expression. Use Lemon with The Chariot to feel more optimistic about moving forward.

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Tarot Focus: The Lovers, Justice

Essential Oils: Rose, Geranium, Jasmine

Practice: Lightly diffuse rose oil during a heart-focused Tarot reading. Use The Lovers to explore how you give and receive love. You can use Geranium with Justice for more balance and fairness in your relationships.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Tarot Focus: The Hierophant, The Wheel of Fortune

Essential Oils: Peppermint, Lavender, Eucalyptus

Practice: Inhale peppermint oil before pulling a card. Ask the Tarot what truths need to be expressed to clear this energy centre. Meditate with either The Hierophant (teaching spiritual truths or wisdom) or The Wheel (powerful self-expression).

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Tarot Focus: The High Priestess, The Star

Essential Oils: Clary Sage, Sandalwood, Patchouli

Practice: Use Sandalwood while meditating with The Moon to remove fear blockages and connect to universal guidance.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Tarot Focus: The Star, The Hanged Man

Essential Oils: Lavender, Melissa, Myrrh, Frankincense

Practice: Diffuse Lavender and/or Melissa as you meditate on The Star, reflecting on your spiritual connection, purpose and alignment with the divine. Pull one card on how to shine your light in the world.

Trust the Universe to Guide You

You don’t need to be attuned by a Reiki Master to work with these energies when channelling healing energy into the chakras. Nor do you need the cards to be placed over the chakras but they can help focus the energy by clarifying your intention.

We’re at that point in humanity’s evolution and understanding of energetic principles where more and more people realise that just as Mikao Usui could access Reiki energy directly, we too can open ourselves to the flow of healing energy through intention and practice. The more we practise, the more aligned we become and the more aligned we become, the more the energy will flow through us.

Whether through Tarot, essential oils, crystals, or meditative rituals, your willingness to connect to the source of healing is the only requirement. By tuning into the subtle messages of your energy centres and engaging with tools like Tarot and aromatherapy, you empower yourself to step into a more balanced and harmonious state.

Remember, all healing is self-healing!

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