Fehu: The Elder Futhark Rune of Abundance and Prosperity

Unlock Fehu’s secrets with our Elder Futhark rune guide and 7-card Rune Tarot Spread for wealth, vitality, and personal growth.
fehu stands for cattle and currency

The Norse word ‘fehu’, which translates to ‘fä’ in modern Swedish, simply means ‘cattle.’ In Viking times, cattle represented wealth, particularly moveable wealth, as opposed to the fixed wealth associated with Othala, which relates more to home and property. As the first rune of the 24 in the Elder Futhark, Fehu is also associated with new beginnings, luck, and reputation.

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The Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem

“Wealth is a comfort to all men; yet must every man bestow it freely,
if he wishes to gain honour in the sight of the Lord.”

Symbolism and Energy

Fehu embodies the circulation of life force in the form of physical abundance. To connect with the rune’s energy, try this exercise:

  1. Stand straight, preferably barefoot outdoors.
  2. Position your arms like the two ‘pegs’ of the rune sticking out from a straight line.
  3. Experiment with holding your palms up (to receive) and down (to bless).
  4. Notice which stance feels most natural, as both receiving and giving are aspects of Fehu’s energy.


  • Polarity: Feminine
  • Colours: Green, white, or copper
  • Deities: Freya, Audhumbla
  • Astrology: Venus
  • Herb: Mint
  • Tarot: The Empress
  • Chakras: Sacral and heart
  • Health associations: General vitality, heart, neck, throat, ears, lower back, kidneys, cervix, urinary tract

Divinatory Meanings

  • General: Generosity, abundance, luck, new beginnings
  • Love & relationships: Strong sexual attraction, relationship based on common material goals
  • Health/wellbeing: Great vitality levels, high energy
  • Business: New opportunities, good investments

Reversed meanings often indicate the opposite: miserliness, inability to receive, overgiving, lack of physical attraction, feeling drained, or funds being drained.

Holistic Healing with Fehu

When Fehu appears in a reading and the flow of vitality/abundance feels blocked, consider these practices:

  1. Connect more deeply with nature and its rhythms.
  2. Practice mindful breathing to expand your heart chakra’s energy.
  3. Give and forgive; donate to charity to make room for receiving.
  4. Plant something new with the intent to cultivate a talent or venture.
  5. Ground your energy by walking barefoot.
  6. Slow down, practice mindful eating, and cultivate gratitude.
  7. Visualise drawing Fehu’s energy into the chakra that needs it most.


  • “I flow with the natural rhythms and cycles of Mother Nature.”
  • “I give with a joyful heart and receive with open arms what is for the Highest Good.”
  • “It’s OK to start over.”
  • “A thousand-mile journey begins with a single step.”
  • “All my needs are met.”
  • “I connect with the world around me through caring for others.”
  • “I am loving, lovable, loved and cared for.”
  • “My health and vitality levels increase day by day.”
  • “I am infinitely abundant.”

Fehu Rune Tarot Spread

To deepen your understanding of Fehu and its significance, use this Tarot spread:

fehu rune tarot spread
  1. How prosperous I am in general
  2. How I can generate more movable wealth
  3. How prosperous I am likely to be on my current career path
  4. Main obstacle to generating more material abundance
  5. How to be more generous with myself and my gifts
  6. How to invest in my health
  7. How to invest in my relationships

When reading with this spread, a predominance of Wands and Pentacles cards indicates that Fehu’s energy is strongly at work in your life, usually for the better.

Working with Fehu opens us to the flow of abundance in all its forms, fostering a deeper connection with the world around us and our own inner vitality.

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