Aroma-Numerology: Using Essential Oils to Enhance Personal Growth

Aroma-Numerology is an experimental modality that uses essential oils to enhance positive as well as balance challenging Life Path traits.

The other day, the term ‘aroma-numerology’ popped into my head. I tried searching for it, and couldn’t find a Western system, so I concluded I needed to research this and perhaps come up with my own.

I can’t remember exactly when or where I first came across essential oils, but I remember becoming obsessed with the magic of them straight away. Finding a new favourite oil was like opening a door to a secret room in an old magical castle. I loved the idea of using plants for both physical and emotional healing.

Essential oils weren’t a thing in my childhood but Numerology was. I was only ten years old when I read my first book on Numerology and I instantly started categorising everything (and everyone!) by numbers.

As I delved deeper into Tarot and other divinatory tools, I found myself naturally experimenting with combining holistic and energy healing modalities with these practices. This blending came as second nature to me. In my mind, everything could be broken down into numbers, frequencies, and vibrations—a symphony of complementary energies.

Numerology and essential oils offer unique keys to aligning with our highest potential. These keys represent elements that we can easily combine to help us progress along our path. Looking back at my experiments with Tarot essences etc, I’m surprised that I haven’t thought of combining essential oils with Numerology sooner.

Your Life Path

When we talk about Numerology, one of the most significant aspects is our Life Path Number. This number, derived from our date of birth, acts as a blueprint for our soul’s journey in this incarnation. It reflects the overarching themes, challenges, and gifts we have chosen to explore and master. In essence, it represents a sacred contract we made before entering this lifetime. By understanding our Life Path Number, we gain profound insights into our purpose, strengths, and areas of growth.

Pairing Numerology with essential oils can enhance this journey, offering practical and vibrational support as we navigate our paths. Each Life Path Number has its unique energetic signature, and specific essential oils can amplify its positive traits while balancing its challenges. By consciously working with these tools, we can align more fully with our purpose and experience greater harmony within ourselves and with the world around us.

In future posts, I hope to explore how to work with each of these aroma-numerology oils. We will also look into how to pair these oils with other divinatory tools.

Melissa Officinalis as the main Aroma-Numerology Oil for the Modern Bee Priestess

Melissa Officinalis, or Lemon Balm, holds a unique place in both energetic healing and spiritual traditions. Its properties align beautifully with the themes of balance, renewal, and heart-centred energy. Known for its ability to calm the nervous system and uplift the spirit, Melissa serves as a universal aid in amplifying positive traits across all Life Path Numbers. Its versatility and gentle potency make it invaluable for nurturing growth, harmony, and emotional resilience.

From an energetic perspective, Melissa’s vibration harmonises with the frequency of love and alignment. This makes it particularly powerful for connecting with the soul’s purpose and reinforcing the qualities each Life Path seeks to embody. Its subtle yet profound influence can help soothe overactive emotions while encouraging clarity and confidence in one’s journey.

In the Bee Priestess tradition, Melissa Officinalis has an even deeper resonance. The name “Melissa” itself means “honeybee” in Greek, and the plant has long been associated with the sacred bees and their wisdom. In ancient times, the priestesses who tended the temples of the Great Mother revered Melissa. It symbolised sweetness, collective harmony, and the ability to pollinate the soul’s purpose.

By working with Melissa, we tap into the universal consciousness exemplified by bees: a balance of individuality and collective unity. Its essence reminds us of the interconnectedness of all life, urging us to align our vibrations with the greater good.

Aroma-Numerology Table

Please note that it is important to always check for contraindications before working with any of the oils listed below.

Life Path NumberPositive TraitsChallenging TraitsEssential Oil for Positive TraitsEssential Oil for Challenging Traits
1Leadership, independence, ambition, courageImpatience, stubbornness, selfishnessCinnamon, Black Pepper, MelissaLavender, Chamomile,
2Diplomacy, cooperation, sensitivity, empathyOver-sensitivity, indecisiveness, passivityRose, Geranium, MelissaCypress, Peppermint, Ginger
3Creativity, charisma, optimism, expressivenessSuperficiality, lack of focus, self-doubtSweet Orange, Bergamot, MelissaSandalwood, Vetiver, Cedarwood
4Practicality, reliability, discipline, organisationRigidity, workaholism, inflexibilityCedarwood, Patchouli, MelissaYlang Ylang, Frankincense
5Adventure, freedom, adaptability, versatilityRestlessness, inconsistency, overindulgencePeppermint, Grapefruit, MelissaJuniper Berry, Myrrh, Vetiver
6Responsibility, compassion, nurturing, harmonyOverbearing, martyrdom, self-righteousnessLavender, Geranium, MelissaEucalyptus, Clary Sage
7Introspection, wisdom, spirituality, analysisIsolation, cynicism, aloofnessFrankincense, Myrrh, MelissaNeroli, Jasmine, Cypress
8Ambition, confidence, power, financial acumenMaterialism, arrogance, work-life imbalanceGinger, Lemon, MelissaSandalwood, Cedarwood, Lavender
9Altruism, idealism, generosity, global awarenessDetachment, naivety, overextensionNeroli, Lavender, MelissaVetiver, Cypress, Patchouli
11Intuition, inspiration, vision, spiritual insightAnxiety, nervous energy, self-doubtHelichrysum, Frankincense, MelissaLavender, Roman Chamomile
22Masterful builder, visionary, practical wisdomOverwhelm, fear of failure, excessive controlCedarwood, Sandalwood, MelissaBergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense
33Healing, compassion, unconditional love, selflessnessOver-sacrifice, burnout, unrealistic expectationsRose, Neroli, MelissaVetiver, Ylang Ylang, Roman Chamomile

Vedic Aroma-Numerology

During my research I did come across a well-established Eastern planetary numerology system that ties in in with aromatherapy. It is a fascinating system that combines the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology with the mystical properties of numbers. Let’s take a look at the essential oils associated with each planetary number.

Planetary Numerology Overview

First, here’s a breakdown of the planets and their corresponding numbers:

  1. Sun (Surya)
  2. Moon (Chandra)
  3. Jupiter (Guru)
  4. Rahu/North Node
  5. Mercury (Budh)
  6. Venus (Shukra)
  7. Ketu/South Node
  8. Saturn (Shani)
  9. Mars (Mangal)

Planetary Characteristics and Essential Oils

Let’s delve deeper into each planet’s characteristics and the essential oils associated with them. (Please note that the same caution applies here as for the oils mentioned in the table above. Only use an essential oil after checking for contraindications.)

Sun (1) – Leadership and Vitality

Characteristics: The Sun represents leadership, confidence, and vitality.
Essential Oils: Frankincense, Bergamot, Orange, Camphor, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Saffron.
These oils boost self-confidence and help align with personal power. They can be used to enhance the Sun’s positive qualities in one’s life.

Moon (2) – Emotions and Intuition

Characteristics: The Moon deals with emotions, relationships, and intuition.
Essential Oils: Jasmine, Sandalwood, Chamomile, Gardenia, Lotus, and Lily.
These oils encourage emotional healing and strengthen intuition, aligning with the Moon’s nurturing energy.

Jupiter (3) – Wisdom and Growth

Characteristics: Jupiter stands for wisdom, growth, and expansion.
Essential Oils: Lemon, Clove, and Sage.
These oils promote optimism, learning, and spiritual growth, enhancing Jupiter’s expansive qualities.

Rahu (4) – Transformation and Challenges

Characteristics: Rahu represents transformation and challenges.
Essential Oils: Eucalyptus, Spearmint, Neroli, Sandalwood, Lotus, and Frankincense.
These oils aid in mental clarity and navigating complexities, helping to harness Rahu’s transformative energy.

Mercury (5) – Communication and Adaptability

Characteristics: Mercury represents communication, adaptability, and intellect.
Essential Oils: Peppermint, Lavender, Eucalyptus, Mint, Wintergreen, Cedar, Thyme, and Sage.
These oils enhance mental clarity and communication skills, aligning with Mercury’s quick and adaptable nature.

Venus (6) – Love and Beauty

Characteristics: Venus is associated with love, beauty, and success.
Essential Oils: Rose, Geranium, and Ylang-Ylang.
These oils invite love, enhance relationships, and nurture self-love, resonating with Venus’s harmonious energy.

Ketu (7) – Spirituality and Inner Wisdom

Characteristics: Ketu signifies spirituality and inner wisdom.
Essential Oils: Myrrh, Sandalwood, Palo Santo, Camphor, Cedar, and Frankincense.
These oils support spiritual awakening and letting go, aligning with Ketu’s mystical energy.

Saturn (8) – Discipline and Hard Work

Characteristics: Saturn stands for discipline, hard work, and responsibility.
Essential Oils: Cedarwood, Patchouli, Vetiver, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Cedar, and Juniper.
These oils support grounding, focus, and overcoming challenges, resonating with Saturn’s disciplined energy.

Mars (9) – Courage and Energy

Characteristics: Mars represents courage, energy, and action.
Essential Oils: Cinnamon, Black Pepper, and Ginger.
These oils encourage motivation, passion, and determination, aligning with Mars’ dynamic energy.

Practical Applications

Understanding planetary numerology and its associated essential oils can be beneficial in various aspects of life:

  1. Personal Development: By working with the oils associated with your dominant planets or life path number, you can enhance your natural strengths and balance areas of challenge.
  2. Meditation and Spiritual Practices: Using the appropriate oils during meditation or spiritual rituals can help align your energies with planetary influences.
  3. Aromatherapy: Incorporating these oils into your daily aromatherapy routine can help balance and harmonise your overall energy.
  4. Astrology Readings: Vedic Astrologers can recommend specific oils based on a person’s birth chart to help address challenges or enhance positive qualities.

By combining the wisdom of Vedic astrology, numerology, and aromatherapy, we can tap into an already existing holistic approach to personal growth and well-being, harnessing the cosmic energies represented by planets and numbers. I have great respect for ancient and look forward to trying these recommendations. However, as modern Bee Priestesses, we can also allow ourselves to play, invent and experiment.

Check out THIS POST to explore how to use essential oils together with the Tarot for chakra healing and balancing!

Do you use aromatherapy and essential oils as part of your healing and/or spiritual practice? Please share in the comments!

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